Saturday 8 June 2013

Superheavy and Exotic

At the base of the existence, are the quarks, and the particles you create when you stick them together with the strong nuclear force. Mesons and baryons, hadrons all. Two quarks for a meson, three for a baryon like a proton or neutron. Up, down, strange and charmed.

That's in our tediously three dimensional universe anyway.

But there are places where this is not always the case. When a supermassive star goes not mere supernova, but hypernova, then the massive energies produced by the explosion fuse these particles into far more exotic and superheavy combinations, that are blasted through holes ripped in space time into dimensions that are rugged enough to take their weight.

For example, take 6 up quarks and 6 down quarks, and you get a tetrahadron. Tetrahadron matter is more solid that diamond, yet you can put your hand through it. In our universe, it appears as ghosts and spectres, which are actually the impression of lifeforms in dimensions 4,6 and 9 who's fantastic mass creates human like bumps in our space time, like pushing your hand underneath a drumskin.

Sometimes the particles and matter created from them are so huge, they rip through our space time surface whenever they merely brush up against it. Archamesons, they make up the living creatures of these dimensions, and in their own environment they work as accountants and bus-drivers, but we see them as Loch Ness Monsters, Yetis, and Giant Octopus a thousand feet long. Our glimpses are fleeting, because they immediately rip again through our dimensional structure and land in another one, like Indiana Jones falling through the canopies in Temple of Doom.

22 strange and charmed quarks form meta-theons – the true god particles, they can only exist in dimension eleven. These are angels to us, cherubim and seraphim, although they have long since passed the stage of mere thought and drift through the multiverse uncaring, each wing of six comprising galactic superclusters that don't have to break through any intradimensional barriers, they just are!!!

There are petrons, sarcatrons, polyorthagonal-dynameons, and matter that is simultaneously larger than every universe put together, and smaller than nothingness. But my favourite is made of 7 charmed quarks, and one anti-strange quark, less paradoxical than sum. It is the hope particle, and it exists in the 5th dimension, just beyond ours, and only science has the will to find it.

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 08/06/2013

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