Thursday 9 May 2013

Squid Life on the Abyssal Plain

It is a little known fact, that after first transmissions of "The Abyss" seeped down from our airy world to the cold depths below it, the squid decided it was high time to get organised.

It has long been realised that some Cephalapod species show great intelligence; what wasn't known was how far this intelligence extends. The two species of large, 15 metre plus squid that live in the Southern Ocean depths - The Colossal Squid, and the Giant Squid - constructed a form of living television viewer made from shoals of small bio luminescent fish that lived with the squid in a symbiotic relationship. The fish provided television pictures with the help of iron rich nematode worms used as aerials; the squid provided the fish with food.

So when the squid first saw "The Abyss" in 1990, not only did they fall in love with the "Hippie" character, they decided their agrarian existence on The Abyssal Plain at depths of 4000 metres or more needed a greater sophistication. They organised their farmland, and built cities.

The Colossal Squid act as the farmers and hunters. They tend to huge crops of molluscs and bivalves that live on the sea bed, feeding them on a nutrient rich preparation derived from the outflows from thermal vents. For more mobile protein, they longlined in an enviromentally sustainable manner for Patagonian toothfish, indeed the toothfish were glad to be caught by such a noble creature as the colossal squid, recognising in them a care for resources that the brutal humans in the world above never had.

Meanwhile, the giant squid, with their longer, more precise tentacles, acted as scientists and engineers. They constructed geo thermal power stations at the the volcanic ocean vents, and harvested the minerals to construct glittering pyramidial squid cities out of fools gold and topaz. In these cities the squid live, writing great treatises on oceanic philosophy and cephalapodic poetry. They play a form of table tennis for recreation, holding bats made from turtle shells in all ten tentacles and lumps of smoothed and polished obsidian for balls. They prefer polygamy to tedious life long partnerships, and have decided not to extend their dominions to the surface of our planet as human beings are not worth the effort.

At least, they are leaving humanity alone until they are aboslutely forced to do otherwise. And for that moment, they have squid weapons to use on us that our totally beyond man's feeble comprehension...

Copyright BLoody Mulberry 09/05/2013

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