Friday 24 May 2013

Sharknado and other Creature/Weather fusion movies

A Guardian piece today drew my attention to the existence of "Sharknado", and it also crops up on Total Film's list of the worst promo posters of the Cannes Festival.

Sharknado, obviously, stands out.

Shark movies lend themselves effortlessly to terrible movie publicity; remember Sand Sharks and Sharktopus amongst a million others? They also lend themselves to terrible films like Jaws IV: the Revenge, and John Barrowman's pussy eating dialogue fest Shark Attack 3: The Megaladon. But I think Sharknado ratchets up the idiocy level another notch, The Asylum taking a natural phenomenon that we've just seen in Oklahoma is quite deadly enough without throwing a load of Great Whites into the mix. And how do the sharks themselves survive being whipped around at 200mph in a fairly non watery environment? All that torn up wood and weatherboard must clog their gills.

Starring Tara Reid, whose career since American Pie seems to have been a mirror image of Alyson Hannigan's, it looks like the Asylum have come up with a (straight to) DVD cover before they came up with the actual film. But, it does make wonder what other weather - creature fusion movies could there be? "Pirana Hail"? "Jellyfog"? "Panthronimbulus"? "A Light Drizzle of Killer Ants"?

I like the idea of Jellyfog in particular; imagine the terror of feeling the deadly sting of a Queensland box jellyfish or irukanji down the back of your neck as you walk to work in an autumn fog.

If I could draw, I could come up with the one-sheet myself.

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