Tuesday 21 May 2013

CONCEPTS - More thoughts on super fast space travel

I spend a lot of time travelling through space (inner) considering methods of travelling through space (outer).

I was reading about relativistic jets, the beams of energetic particles emitted from the poles of objects like neutron stars and the supermassive black-holes found at the centre of galaxies - the giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87 has a particularly fine example.

Consisting of streams of electron-positron or electron-ion matter marshalled into energetic jets by tightening magnetic fields around a black-hole's accretion disc, or by frame-dragging, a "way out there" phenomenon associated with super massive objects sitting in space time.

These jets move at anything up to tiny fraction below the speed of light, and so it occurred to me, you could out a craft in these jets, suitably heavily shielded against the tremendous energies and ration involved, and surf the jet to a phenomenol speed in a guaranteed constant direction. In my notebook, I even drew a picture of this thing happening! As a three year old physicist would.

The other idea I threw into the space above my head, was a craft employing a generator that projected a major stream of Higgs Particles at a point in space, to generate a super massive singularity ahead of it in space-time. The craft can then fall towards it's self created gravity well, and when sufficient acceleration is gained, it can then project the stream to a further point to keep its momentum up.

Yep, this probably violates every newtonian law of motion under the sun, but this isn't newtonian space! And in my space, perhaps these things can work!

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