Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Lair

I've always wanted to have a lair, a secret bolt hole a few miles away, on the outskirts of town.

What is it's purpose? Well, in my wandering mind, there are two stories that tell of “The Lair” - one is the dissident escaping the fascist torturing secret police, the Okrana of the future oppressors. For some reason, this internal story always involves jumping into a river, and finding my secret entrance under the surface, in the river bank. They chase me, dogs close behind, but after I've jumped in the weed and lily clad water by night, they lose my trail.

I enter the airlock behind a door disguised as shale and mud, and within I have a supply of food to last three years in a storeroom beneath a livving accomodation about the size of a tent, well equipped with sensors, and means of communication with my fellow dissidents.

The dogs and torturers clump about the surfae lit by a quarter moon. But they cannot find me, and when things quieten down the modern day junta defying Scarlet Pimpernel can escape from his hideout, and resume tweaking the tail of the neo-nazis and leading the popular rebellion.

A real life fantasy tale from the riverbank.

The other daydream is darker. I am a killer, a mass spree killer, who has carried out a brutally bloody crime for reaons beyond his understanding. I am cornered, like Peter Lorre in M, a cornered rat, fear in my eyes. I escape by bicycle, unlit, in dark country lanes, and race for a bridge out towards some local woodland. I am like an American black helicopter, a mutilator of cattle and people, of uncertain but perhaps celestial background. In the wall of the bridge on the cycle path, is a false brick that acts as the key to my lair and laboratory...the wall opens up, and the bicycle disappears.

I take the sack of organs from my shoulder, and place it in the medical fridge, as I turn of the Inrfa Red monitors and laugh at the police helicopter. They can't see me, this place gives off no heat trace as I burn the remains and transmit messages back to my handlers off world.

Every day, the modern day devil rides out, and patrols plebeian streets for victims.

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 18.02.14

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