Friday 22 November 2013

Punching a Martian

I used to have Martian dreams a lot.

I'm always saying this...dreams of trying to keep away from fearsome tripodsof varying colours in a deserted modern London...paralysed as finally one loomed up over Tower Bridge and reached for me with grapple claws sharply open.

Another time I was trying to cross a wood near Horsell Common, in the dead of night, and the Martians had sent out strange bio-machines to patrol the woodland – mechanical metal birds, with big cone shaped heads, lit up in christmas light flashes and hunting me making soft synth owl sounds.

It cornered me behind a fallen, burnt out tree, and I woke up a-shiver.

But for all there technology, as HG Wells kept pointing out, the Martians were feeble and vulnerable under Terran conditions. But no-one ever did the obvious.

No one ever waited until they had all climbed down from their fighting machines for the night, and then treated them to what Wells rather more talented rival Jules Verne would have said was “A fine application of English fists.”

In short, why didn't anyone ever just walk up to one and twat them?

I imagine doing it myself. I leave the artilleryman to his delusions of underground society, seek out the nearest Extra-Terrestrial nest, and evade any patrolling tripods and drop upon the tentacled monsters unaware.

And then I'd just march up, and punch their lipless, slabbering faces smack in their luminous disc – like eyes. I'd punch them over and over again, fist making a sound like someone hitting a bag full of liposuction by-product. Look at its tentacled flabby body trying to get away, when it can barely move in our gravity.

Kick it for good measure. Kick hard and often, leave army boot imprints in its leathery hide, fungal lesions starting too ooze a pus type substance. It can “Ulla” all it wants, it won't do it any good.

Kick it like a deflated football until it bursts. And then start on its friends, until the world is our again. Don't wait for the bateria! Smash their alien faces in!

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 22/11/2013

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