Wednesday 30 April 2014

The Plague Man that I am

I can't remember when it started, this increasing set of blotches, scales and scabs advancing up my right ankle. I think once upon a time it was some harmless but distinctive dark splotches about ten years ago. Day followed day followed day, and soon, the area began to itch, a firey insistence to dig jagged nails into the flesh and scratch.

The satisfaction lasted barely seconds before that burning came back. I don't know what the cause was, for once, I never thought it was due to infection by scabies, parasites, noro-viruses seeking to reach my intestine through my skin. I knew it was excema or psoriasis or both, but a form so painful perhaps it had afflicted me from the stars, a passing Andromeda Strain as envisaged by Fred Hoyle, freeze dried alien contaminant blown in, on the space breezes, lodging itself into my bones.

It spread up, over the lumpy bone both up and down, onto foot and calf. It bled raw, no matter how much cream, oil, or coal tar found its way onto it, just like my hands, my horror gouged out hands only not just in winter.

Parts of it turned purple. Parts of it turned green, the unttractive green of the mould you find on bread after a few too many days in a hot sun in a sweating bag. Sometimes it would be hard to move the ankle, the scales of flesh were so dry and thick. In better periods, like now, it merely looks inflamed, witth the occasional eruption where it has bled.

This alien plague, et-excema, extra-excema, can only be controlled by steroids, cortisone, betnovate, the war zone moves up and down the botom of the limb like General Haig's front line in World War 1. But take the steroids away and the alien skin toxin is back in a weeping flash.

It is not just in my head that my body is at war.

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 30.04.12

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