Wednesday, 22 February 2012

And a good evening to you

So Bloody Mulberry is up and running, and here I am to talk about it.

What is Bloody Mulberry? Well, it is the label I have decided to give my modes of self expression - ugh, cue appearance in pseuds corner in Private Eye - that after supportive encouragement and a bit of self inflicted "Show some balls and get on with it" boots up backside here I am.

I write short stories, and scripts, and also films. In the past I wrote a couple funded by a University and then the UK Film Council, but then things went quiet and I felt, well maybe I'm not up to it.

I always wrote. I just didn't show anybody. I wrote scripts, and got deflated everytime DV shorts or whoever rejected me. Well, now I'm putting them out there. Between here and my tumblr;

You will find short stories, films, stories read aloud, stories discussed, and maybe stories that die on the vine. Other fun stuff will be found too.  Mainly of a sci fi and horror bent, but with a bit of retro and other stuff thrown in.

I hope you enjoy it.

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