Friday 27 June 2014

Irvine Welsh, Jimmy Savile, and the Violation of the Dead

It struck me years ago, as I read the collection of short stories within the lurid cover of “Ecstasy” that a certain character in one of the stories bore more than a passing resemblance to a real person. A very famous television personality in fact.

The short story concerned - “Lorraine Goes to Livingstone” features many things – novelists, bi curious nurses, but what sears the memory like a psychic brand over the 20 odd years since I last read the book, is the character of Freddy Royle.

Freddy is an Adge Cutlerish Somerset TV personality, presenter of a show that makes dreams come true for children amongst others and trustee and charitable sponsor of a major London hospital, has a dark side indeed. It is described by Welsh how the wriggling of a young girl on his lap had caused Royle a rather sticky afternoon, but this is nothing indeed compared to what he gets up to in the hospital mortuary, where he pays off staff to turn a blind eye to his favourite activity; having sex with the dead...

Sound a little familiar?

Amidst the depravity, a new coroner arrives at the hospital, and begins to investigate why some of the corpses are stained with semen and bruised around the anus. Well, this will never do! Freddy and the hospital's top administrator conspire to kidnap the coroner, shoot him full of muscle relaxant, and film him being penetrated by a prostitute with a strap on, this blackmail ensuring all their secrets will never come to light.


It all must be pure coincidence, of course! Welsh himself has neither confirmed nor denied that Savile was the inspiration for the Freddy Royle character, but to me, this is that word that you use when people do!

To me, there must have been stories freely circulating abbout Savile's proclivities in certain circles. But his celebrity and financial power prevented them from coming into the light. But who else was bought off? I doubt it stopped at hospital workers...

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 27.06.14

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