Sunday 15 December 2013

Daydreams of a Workplace Hanging

This is disturbing, and it is meant to be. Proceed with caution. Tourette boy gets upset when he gets teased!


When you have not had scalding coffee thrown in your face, you don't know how unlucky you are.

There are these steps at work, mobile gantries stolen from a steampunk Apollo launch. You can move them around by pulling these bent, rusting levers that take the support legs off the ground, and you can push them on wheels where the bearings are oiled knucklebones from a starving child.

Push them into position for the spectacle. Summon the spectators, the old women knitting before the scaffold, the cackling whores. The other staff in others words, they are as good as all those, the collective intelligence thereof. Drawn from large screen football, the only thing that could tear them away, not even the burning of their own children would normally stop them watching.

Prod the fucker up the stairs at sword point while ducking under the flying lumps of shit I wish everyone else would throw at you while thinking the man who deserved them might have been me. Put it out of your mind, Tudor master of ceremonies, the Lords of the Humiliations, the Chamberlain of Suffering.

There is a noose affixed to a criss cross of sprinkler pipes and girders that shake in the rain. It hangs down like guts fallen from the guts of a disembowelment. Yeah get your neck in there, you scrawny fucker. The safety cage at the top has been crudely removed by the cortex-less repair men who's normal function is to bang broken wheels on trolleys so they are even more broken.

Look up there. You see your god up there? I hope so. God lies within that hoop of rope. Push his head in, set the knot behind the mis-shapen inbred right ear. Give him a second to think, give him a gentle lean out over the void to the massed “ooohs” of the crowd as they bang their cans of Relentless together. Then shove hard.

The rope doesn't drop for long. Who wants to break his neck too soon anyway? Legs kick out thrashing, and as intended he shits himself over the loathsome toads from the offices, who lap it up like thirsty dogs and then turn to lick the faces of their frightened Eastern European slave girls. Another parasite climbs up his legs, the length of his body and sucks his eyeballs out saying “I love you, I love you!”

I kick him in the face and send his sprawling into a crowd of secretaries, shit and vomit. This is the best fun I've had in years, and I turned my conscience off especially. I'd best not turn it back on.

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 14.12.13

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