Saturday 21 September 2013

The Civil War Drummer

Sitting in my local library, doubly caffeined with a large tea followed by a large coffee, I was looking for a source of inspiration.

And superimposed on a background of grey skies and lush green trees, I saw it. A bronzed statue of civil war soldiers. One is a blank faced drummer, the other a royalist officer wielding a broken sword, and wearing a fancy hat that from the rear looks like a giant fist is coming out his head. Almost as if he met the shapeshifting squelchy alien anal invaders in the classic Brian Yuzna film “Society”.

They must get very bored, used for little else other than a pissing post for the local drunks and a perch for birds. And then I wonder if they have a secret life…a secret mobile life, like Rosie and Jim, having adventures by moonlight after the library has home and the last street drinker has brought the last of their clear vomit up over the flagstones.

Not children’s adventures though. Adventures of, shall we say, a more adult nature.

I remember reading of the Italian titular porno-comic character Sukia, and how her and her gay friend once had “an experience” at the hands of the Riace Bronzes, the two Classical 5th century Greek statues found in the 70s off the boot of Italy. Perhaps our civil war drummers do the same thing; in fact I wished they would. The local thugs could meet a bloody end on the end of his rapier, their blood spilt on the slime stained cobbles of our market square.

They could use the old bear baiting post to silently, metallically, torment the dross of the town. Death of a thousand drumstick-dipped-in-excrement punctures for bicycle thieves. Mouthy high heel violent women eaten by android bears after being forced to eat five kilos of chips. All conducted under a sympathetic moon and the un-natural orange streetlight glow.

But they also provide reward. They climb into the bedrooms of lonely kind people, and service their every desire on their birthdays, Cavalier genitals meeting those of the modern age, a Battle of Naseby storm of pleasure, the Civil Warriors silently putting smiles on the faces of the worthy, the purpose of the fist on his hat revealed only to the select few…

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 21/09/2013

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