Friday 30 August 2013

When we were Farmed

I wrote before about whales wearing corsets made out of human bones to make their krill bloated bodies look fetishistically attractive.

When the animal revolution comes, they will not be the only ones.

Cows will farm humans for all manner of reasons. Not meat, obviously, cows know that meat farming is a massive waste of land resources. But they will keep men for leather, and endlessly force woman to be pregnant in order to hook their breasts up to weighty, painful machines, and use their milk for human cheese. And powder to feed to their calves in human milk formula, and thus get sanctions from Pig Nestle.

Pigs are…pigane…while the goats are cruel. The humans kept on goat owned farms suffer greatly, their living stomachs endless scraped for rennet with rusty wire down a hosepipe, their skins scraped off them to make shoes while they live and breathe still.

Snakes do the same. A designer human handbag sells for upwards of a thousand mice on the reptile markets of the Serengeti. Boomslangs and mambas sometimes euthanize the flayed skin donators with a swift bite, but most don’t.

Birds fly humans as kites, and make delicacies such as “Human Duvet Soup” and chickens harvest living embryos and foetuses for food like in “The Gestapo’s Last Orgy” – an avian Gestapo obviously, cockerels dressed in long black leather coats and trilbies, putting their beaks under the toenails of human female resistance workers.

And the tigers, and no-one criticised them for this, ground up children to make medicines, and as for badgers, they attacked us with dogs for spreading the common cold, and hung our bodies proudly from barbed wire fences.

They all would if they could, you know. The way we carry o.

Copyright Bloody Mulberry 30.09.2013

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