Monday, 11 February 2013

The Mad Death and Urban Foxes

The fact that baby eating Urban Foxes are in the news at the moment immediately made me think of the 1981 BBC TV Rabies drama "The Mad Death" - see clip above - where foxes were involved in spreading an outbreak of Rabies throughout the British Isles.

Never mind babies having their fingers bitten, this TV show showed in gory glory the real chaos foxes can cause. This poor infected Alsation in the clip, foaming mouth spreading diseased saliva in front of the faces of terrified children and shoppers, was just one victim.

Any of the humans that got infected started frothing at the mouth like they'd been eating Remegel filled with Ariel Automatic, but this was the least terrifying part of the deal. Violent hallucinations followed, involving the insane faces of foxes, naked women with golden foxes eyes for navels, and worst of all, the constant sense that you were drowning, even in your own saliva. Hydrophobia. Ugh and double ugh.

To a ten year old boy, the whole thing was pant shittingly scary. Every trip abroad from then on involved nervous scouting for any sign of mangy looking dogs or cats. Not even that, any animal was potential death on four legs; an inquisitive German Shephard in a french town called Josselin scared me so badly I vowed to my parents I'd never visit there again.

And so far I haven't.

So remember this TV show when you next read about babies being attacked by foxes. Cute Mr Fox isn't just walking infanticide; he's a chicken killing bio warfare weapon of foamy mouthed mass destruction to which the only solution is a vulpine final one...and no doubt the chaps in red jackets on horseback will be calling for just that.

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